Something just because
I realize that there is a blog section on my website so I feel obligated to write at least one post. There is so many things in my brain that I’d like to get out into the world & because of fear & pure laziness, they have not come to pass. For a almost 3 years I have been doing a Podcast & during this time I have met some amazing people. Some I would even go as far to call friend. I have accomplished way more with this show then I’d ever thought I would when I first started. Even my wife has taken notice to it & that’s something big to me. I know I’ve been a person of many interests but no follow through. I have good intentions. I feel as what I am doing is good & I enjoy it but I often think to myself, “What am I really doing this for?” What am I bringing to the table as a broadcaster/podcaster? I did a guest spot on the Blockbuster Mentality Podcast (👈 episode) & Dave brought up the point about making friends through podcasting. I agree with that as I stated earlier in this post, but what else? Fame? Sure. Money? You damn right if I can get it. I’d just really like some social interaction. To know that my words aren’t just going out into the ether of the Internet, some type of feedback. I think that would be more valuable than any of the other stuff I mentioned, excluding the friendships those are invaluable. I know in certain cases that these things are a slow burn & I am patient enough to wait for it if it comes. That one thing I want though, the interaction. What will I need to do to get that? I’ll figure it out eventually I suppose. I am plenty thankful for what I have & the people who are around me. Those who support the show or said they’ve listened or liked, followed, or retweeted something. That’s all I have for now, I’ll see you next time.......